We are excited to introduce the TICF Credit team. Collectively, these associates are committed to serving our forklift and truck dealers and are dedicated to going beyond the transaction for our mutual customers. Learn more about the team’s primary responsibilities, how they work closely with our dealers, and what they are focused on in the spirit of kaizen – continuous improvement.
The credit team’s primary goal is to ensure the financing experience is as smooth as the forklifts on the warehouse floor. Here’s a snapshot of their key responsibilities:
- Servicing Dealers: The team aims to be responsive to dealer requests in a timely manner.
- Application Review: Each customer application undergoes a thorough review process to ensure they meet the approval criteria.
- Building Relationships: The credit team values creating strong, positive relationships with our dealers, and establishing a foundation for successful partnerships.
- Overcoming Challenges: Whether the deal is challenging or intricate, the team does not shy away. They schedule in-person meetings to navigate the complexities and find a solution.
- Continuous Growth: They are ardent proponents of skill development and professional growth, ensuring that each associate undertakes mandatory monthly training to enhance their capabilities.
- Dealer Outreach: The TICF Credit Analysts reach out to dealers monthly, fostering communication and, at times, participating in joint calls with Regional Sales Managers (RSMs).
The team’s overarching goal is to find innovative ways to structure and finance deals to suit each customer’s needs. As a captive finance provider, we can offer tailored and creative financing solutions.
Every deal that comes to TICF is important to us. Our mission as a team, and an organization, is to always find a way to put a deal together. We are here for dealers and customers in good times and in bad times too.
When asked about ways that deals could get approved faster, the credit team stressed getting all the needed information for a deal upfront. When TICF has all the information at the beginning, quicker deal approvals can take place. Getting all the information and making sure it is correct is incredibly important for all deals, but especially for complex ones. The team drew a comparison to a puzzle – the more pieces we have, the quicker we can put it all together.
The TICF Credit Team stands ready to support your financial endeavors, bringing a wealth of experience, a penchant for problem-solving, and a commitment to building and fostering strong relationships. If you have questions or need assistance, don’t hesitate to reach out. They are here to serve you!
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